Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8th, Day 3

I'm soaked, frozen, and have black volcanic sand in my shoes. This has been my best day yet, here.

Today I took a prearranged tour out to Skogafoss, Seljalandsfoss, Vik, and Myrdalsjokull. The first two of those words are waterfalls, the third is a town, and the last is a glacier. Oh, and a black sand beach as well. The weather still sucked completely but it was nice to get out of town. I got to take a lot of photographs, and see some nice natural sights. Skogafoss is huge, and I couldn't get too close, since it was pretty wet. Apparently sometimes you can go behind Seljalandsfoss. I suppose I could have, but it was running harder than usual today. As it was, I got completely drenched at about 30 meters away from it. Look at me, using meters like a proper European. Hah.

Speaking of Europeans, I don't like them. The men all dress like women trashy women and can't be bothered to shave and do their hair. (By Europeans, I mean people from Romance-speaking countries. And what the hell, Danes too.) They stand around looking like they don't care about anything and they've already seen it all, so instead of enjoying themselves they make out in public and smoke American cigarettes endlessly while chuckling about how cultured they are. And Danes just don't ever look happy about anything.

Europeans also walk directly in front of you when you're trying to take a picture of a nice wilderness scene and spoil it by posing on a rock for one of their friends to take a picture. I don't want a picture of some Eurotrash fuckface in a pleather jacket and girl pants and a women's scarf. I want a picture of the rock.

On that note, let me say that Japanese people are so refreshing. I got to speak some Japanese to a nice couple, and they really just seemed to love every second of this wet, cold, dark tour we took. Nothing got their spirits down, and I thought that was just great.

So, today was better. I guess it's silly of me to expect that every day, right from the start, is going to be amazing. I just hope I get to see some of the sky while I'm here. I wouldn't mind the four hours of light a day if it wasn't filtered through grey clouds the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. Travis, welcome to the world of blogging! Enjoy Iceland and post some pictures up on your blog!
